Monday, November 1, 2010

Winner by De-Fault

Elections come and go but one thing remains the same, integrity and the political aspirant have nothing in common. Muckraking seems to be in season every two years and now that media technology has reached into the pocket, our encounters have become more frequent. How can there be anything positive from an election based on the desecration of the character of an opponent? How can this possibly benefit the constituency? If one vote is cast with the intention of selection between the lesser of two evils, then we have lost. Trust and integrity are ideals that are treasured but left in the dust by the ego of man. The words may be used, but the intention is lost. The entire outlook of humanity ebbs & flows with the positive or negative energy that it encounters. Some leaders have seen this as an advantage and chosen to lift the public with positive discourse, while others use the same in the negative fashion to promote fear and distort truth for personal gain. Our public officials are there to serve the public. I have never encountered a negative that has produced that result. When you vote today, please vote positive. Humanity thrives on it.

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